Women's Internationals - Charlotte Edwards Cup - Womens Domestic Twenty20July 3, 2021
14.1Davis to S Rowe103/5
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Georgia Davis to Susie Rowe. Length ball, sweeping, hit pad.
10.1Butler to P Franklin77/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Stephanie Butler to Phoebe Franklin. Back of a length, pulling, mis-timed to deep square leg, caught by Baker.
4.6Davis to A Capsey33/3
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Georgia Davis to Alice Capsey. Back of a length, pulling, hit pad.
4.4Davis to A Davidson-Richards32/2
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Georgia Davis to Alice Davidson-Richards. Back of a length, pulling, Edged.
1.4Wong to B Smith16/1
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Issy Wong to Bryony Smith. Length ball, driving, mis-timed to mid off, caught by Arlott.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached