19.3Molineux to F Khatun119/4
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Sophie Molineux to Fahima Khatun. Yorker, defending, missed.
10.5Wareham to M Khatun59/3
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Georgia Wareham to Murshida Khatun. Length ball, sweeping, hit pad.
1.3Vlaeminck to S Mostary2/2
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Tayla Vlaeminck to Sobhana Mostary. Length ball, working, missed.
0.1Molineux to D Dola0/1
Catch OUT. NEW BALL. OUT! Caught. Sophie Molineux to Dilara Akter. Length ball, cutting, mis-timed to point, caught by Sutherland.
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