The Hundred - The Hundred Women 2021 - Womens Domestic The HundredAugust 9, 2021
18.5Gordon to N Harvey120/9
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Kirstie Gordon to Nicole Harvey. Stock length ball, off stump on the back foot glancing, hit pad. Jones takes another excellent review.
18.2K George119/8
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Kirstie Gordon to Katie George. Stock ball back of a length, middle stump on the back foot working, inside edge to short leg, fielded by Jones. Excellent bit of throw from Jones.
18.1Gordon to G Hennessy119/7
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Kirstie Gordon to Georgia Hennessy. Stock length ball, off stump down the track Slog, missed. Wickets are tumbling here.
17.1P Cleary115/6
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Georgia Elwiss to Piepa Cleary. Back of a length, outside off stump on the back foot cutting, to backward point, fielded by Gordon. Another one bites the dust.
15.5Jones to S Taylor106/5
OUT stumped. OUT! Stumped. Evelyn Jones to Sarah Taylor. Full toss, outside off stump on the front foot pulling, missed, by Jones. Sarah Taylor misses the full toss and ends up losing her wicket.
14.4Arlott to S Luff97/4
LBW OUT. OUT! L.B.W. Emily Arlott to Sophie Luff. Length ball, outside off stump down the track working, hit pad. Excellent use of the review.
13.1Burns to G Redmayne87/3
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught & Bowled. Erin Burns to Georgia Redmayne. Off break length ball, outside off stump on the front foot Slog, mis-timed back to bowler. An excellent return catch by Erin Burns.
11.1B Smith75/2
Run OUT. OUT! Run Out. Emily Arlott to Georgia Redmayne. Length ball, middle stump on the front foot pushing, to point, fielded by Franklin. A magnificent knock from Bryony Smith comes to an end.
5.2Maqsood to H Matthews36/1
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Abtaha Maqsood to Hayley Matthews. Leg spinner back of a length, outside off stump on the back foot driving, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to mid off, caught by Arlott. Hayley Matthews looks to clear the infield but finds the fielder at mid-off.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached