17.4Cook to R Whiteley123/4
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Sam Cook to Ross Whiteley. Length ball, to leg on the front foot Slog, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to deep mid wicket, caught by Sams. Can't clear the long boundary.
10.1Gregory to Q de Kock52/3
Catch OUT. OUT! Caught. Lewis Gregory to Quinton de Kock. Back of a length, down leg side on the back foot pulling, mis-timed in the air uncontrolled to mid off, caught by Kohler-Cadmore. Skipper gives the breakthrough.
2.4Wood to J Vince9/2
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Luke Wood to James Vince. Yorker, outside off stump no foot movement driving, inside edge. Dragged on.
1.5Cook to P Stirling8/1
Clean Bowled. OUT! Bowled. Sam Cook to Paul Stirling. Slower length ball, outside off stump on the front foot Slog, missed. Cleaned him up.
Max favourites reached
Max favourites reached